District/State/National Awards
- American FFA Degree
- Honorary American FFA Degree
- State FFA Degree
- Honorary State FFA Degree
- Star State FFA Degrees and Star American FFA Degrees
- Proficiency Award
- Chapter Officer Books - Gold Rating
Chapter Awards
- Honorary Chapter FFA Degree
- Star Chapter FFA Degree
- Star Greenhand FFA Degree
- Davis-Minter Tradesman Award
- 110% Award
- Most Dependable Award
- Ag Excellence Award
- Star in Agribusiness
- Thad Evans Memorial Award (1993-2007)
- Certificate of Appreciation (1970-2004)
- Chris Cunningham Memorial Award (1983-2004)
Chapter Scholarships
- Northwestern Lions Club Scholarship
- Merle Robinson Memorial Scholarship
- North Union FFA Scholarship (1986-2017)
- North Union Young Farmers Scholarship (1979-2016)
- Stanley Beery Memorial Scholarship (2014)
- Murphy Foreman Scholarship (2003-2009)
- Hugh Ridge Scholarship (2003-2006)
- Brent Cunningham Memorial Scholarship (1983-2004)